Classic Blog

La Cuppa Coffee

French press

How to make coffee with a French press: 1.Boil sufficient water to fill the French press. 2. Get your coffee grounds ready while the water boils. You’ll need 1 tbsp coffee for every 100ml of water. 3. Start by pouring about one third of the hot water onto your coffee grounds already in the French press, and let sit for 30 seconds. 4. Gently stir with a spoon or spatula to make sure all grinds are wet. Take care not to crack the …

South Indian Filter Coffee

Brewing the best south Indian filter coffee: 1. Heat the water you’ll need, to fill the chamber(depends on the capacity of your brewing vessel) 2.You will need 2 tablespoons of coffee powder for every 100 ml of water. dump the coffee into the upper chamber. 3. Put the upper compartment on the base. Firmly place the perforated pressing disc on the coffee grounds. 4.Pour the boiled water into the upper Compartment and close with the lid. 5.It takes almost 5 minutes for the extract to …

Moka pot

‘Moka pot’ brewing guide: Boil the water you’ll need, to fill the lower compartment of the moka pot (up to the release valve). 2. Pour the hot water into the chamber and set the filter basket on it. 3. Fill the filter with ground coffee and give it a slight tamp using a spoon. 4. Secure the top compartment on the base. Take care, the lower chamber might be hot. 5. Place the moka pot on stove at average heat. The water will begin to …

Cold Brew

How to make cold brew coffee: Start by choosing a container of the right size and make sure it’s clean. 2. Measure your coarsely ground coffee in the ratio 3/4:4 (3/4 cups coffee to every 4 cups of water). 3. Add the grinds to a washed cloth bag that can fit into your container. Secure the open end with a thread. 4. Pour water into the container. Immerse the bag into the water. Cover the container with appropriate lid. 5. Put it in the fridge. …
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